I send my deepest condolences to you and your husband. I could not evening wonder what had happen that night, I was sadding by what your son hand to go though. God Bless you and his killer, he will see his justice in the eyes of the lord, I promises you that.
God Bless and may you feel peace with in your heart someday
Dear Pat,
I send my deepest condolences to you and your husband. I can only imagine what it was like for you to see your precious son leaving for Heaven, but on the other hand, it's amazing that you happened to wake and be with him. He had you and Jesus for sure must have held his hand through it all, leading him into his next journey of life.
Your poor husband, how he must be hurt and angry! To deal with a son in an asylum and his step son dead because of his own. I pray God grant you both the strength to endure this tragic event...hopefully, your step-son will get the help he needs! I will pray for you, but I know you will be okay because you had the love of Vernon in your life. I will pray for your husband that he finds the strength to help his son. I will pray a lot for your step son so he can get the help he needs so something like this never happens again.
God Bless you all! If you ever want to talk your can e-mail at polopool@yahoo.ca or contact me on my daughter's site www.angie-robert.last-memories.com and/or www.angie-robert.memory-of.com
hey there lady you and your family have done such a wonderful job on your sons site hope all is well and i wish everyone the best.love you pasty take care and call me anytime....your friend crystal

You will be loved and missed forever.
Hugs, Cindy
Dearest Patsy,
I am so very sorry for the loss of your handsome son, Vernon. The details surrounding his death just made me sick! I can't justify the death of our son Andrew either, but my heart tells me that he is truly loved and cared for in Heaven. He is whole and healthy and just "hanging out with Vernon!"
I know that grief is so different for each of us, but the void associated with the loss of a child is the same...they were here one moment and gone the next...no time to say good-bye, no time to prepare. I sincerely doubt that a "way" to prepare actually exists. How would one do that?
Our Andrew died on July 16th, 2005, four days after a very tragic car accident. I know in my heart that he has met Vernon, and together, they continue to enjoy eternal life.
God bless you and your family.
Debi Collins
Please visit our Andrew if you like.........