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Guess what Vernie, Chad has learned how to ride his big bike. Johnah taught him... He still has his little tricycle you put togther for him on his second birthday. It is old, ragedy, rusty, and falling apart but I could never get rid of it...

I remember when you (finally) learned how to ride your bike.  I knew you would get it eventually, you were just too use to "all of us" doing a lot for you, we kind of spoiled you. Chad reminds me so much of you when you were his age. He thinks he can do anything somehow, but you weren't near as onery as he is...I miss you so much Vernie!  ~Me


In celebration of your birthday, my dear son, we your family released 21 white balloons over Lake Wappapello for you, with them our love went. We roasted hot dogs, just the way you like, we sang Happy Birthday, your cake we shared in celebration of your life, it's checkered like a racing flag. Your garden, Vernie's Garden looked so beautiful!!!but why do I tell you? You were there my son, I felt your presence, I saw you !!

Everyone's home now, I'm here at our house, O Vernon I miss you so much!! I relived the day you were born so many times today every labor pain was so worth it as I can see that precious red headed baby in my arms!!Today on your 21st birthday although you know, I want to say again, I bless the day you were born, I'm so proud of you son, and every birthday has crossed my mind today, what fun you had. Today was a bitter sweet, bitter because I couldn't hug you so my precious Angel my hugs I send to you and kisses too and all your momma's love.

Happy Birthday, Precious Angel son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rose~Angel Jason's Wife~Thinking of you!
Yesterday we took flowers for memorial day, cleaned and looked so nice, as we were leaving, Tarasah stood in front of your picture there, and talked to you, chattered up a storm she had so much to say, told you about meeting her teacher for kindegarten and sung you the kindegarten baby song, told you how much she loves you, Uncle Vernie, then kissed both hands and threw you kisses, got closer and kissed your picture too. she helps clean and arrange your things there too. Then Verniece comes back over and gets close to your picture puckers up and gives you a big smooch, she knows you so well, Vernon.  The tears came for me to see how young they are yet so much love for their Uncle Vernie. You may not be in our sight, you are always with us all.

School is almost out. I remember You would prepare with lots of ammo for that last bus ride home water fight...You loaded your backpack with tons of "artillery" from water bottles and super soakers to shaving cream. One year you didn't know it but Mr. Norris was preparing the same for you. It was so funny. You got it good...

I miss you so much Vernon!


A bitter sweet mother's day, dinner with Jason, Dawn, talking with Tracy and Stacy on the phone, visiting your garden, Vernon.In my heart and in my mind, we were all together. now I'm home and came to your site, more pictures, a message from you, I felt your hug, I felt your kiss, thank you my Angel son,  your mom loves you so very much and miss you more than words can say. So I will go to sleep tonite thinking of you, Jason, Tracy and Stacy too, as I thank God for the blessing of my four beautiful children.



Happy Mother's Day Mom

I am watching over you from Heaven and I am proud of you!

--Love, Vernon


I remember when you were a baby, Everyone thought Stacy and I would hurt you. We were so excited to have you! We use to put you on our laps and sing to you "Vernie had a hot rod car, hot rod car, to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb. We would pull you around in the wagon while you laid there like Mr. Man. You wanted to follow me, Stacy, and Jason everywhere we went and when you couldn't you would just cry your eyes out.

I miss you so much, but I know where you are and I know I will see you soon. Until then keep your family close to you, we need you.--Me


Our last Mother's Day together, the dinner, the way you and Stacy helped at an accident. the nice peaceful place you took us to off of Hwy T, O how I wish I could go there again. We walked and let tasa put her feet in the water, it was beautiful, Vernon, thank you for that cherished memory. I thank God I was chose to be your Mom and thank you son for letting me be your Mom, to baby you even when you were older. you told me several times, get me moose tracks ice cream, Mom and it'll make you feel better and I did. I would get every carton of moose tracks ice cream for you if it would make it better now. Better for me, I guess cause you have it all, you dance with Angels, and Heaven is in your beautiful green eyes.  Send Mom Angel hugs and Angel kisses too. I love you son, I miss you.
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